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President - Laura Mendil

17 April 2022 Association
Viewed 294 times

Why did you choose ISIPCA and What is your degree ?
To me ISIPCA school is the best gateway to all flavours, cosmetics and perfumery job opportunities. My preference went to perfumery as I joined FESIPCA Master class (last promotion, 2017-2019)



What did you do after ISIPCA ?

I first started at Symrise with a work-based training within the Fine Fragrance evaluation team for two years. I was then offered a replacement before moving to a permanent position in the same team. It gave me the opportunity to work with different accounts.


Why did you choose to handle the association ?

I am now well established professionally. I wanted to get more involved in projects helping us, fragrance professionals, meeting each other and sharing. Claire did a great job getting the association back on its feet in 2016. It has opened a lot of opportunities, let's continue.


What projects do you want to implement within the association?

First I would like to grow the association by bringing as much alumni as possible. ISIPCA was created 50 years ago, there is a huge community of professionals sharing the same passion for flavours, cosmetics and perfumes.I would also like to highlight the different jobs across those three fields through the organisation of alumni meetings. Conferences or webinar could also help better understanding specific jobs that remain unclear even during the school year.


Why did you decide to join the association? What would you like to say to those who hesitate to join the association as an active member ?

The association is constituted of more than 2000 members today. We want to extend its international reach and create partnerships, connections or mentorship programs.

Joining the association will give you the opportunity to participate in the new activities we want to develop: work conferences & exhibitions, partnership programs with major companies.


Did the school support you in your job search?

The school did not help me at the end of the master's program, but it rather helped me at the beginning searching for a work-study program. They send us many internship. The idea of the association is to help students finishing the program finding a job. We are going to set up partnerships with the school and the companies quite soon!

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