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Le Manifesto

23 June 2020 Association
Viewed 1671 times



50 years. Half century of training, expertise and know-how passed down over the years by our school: ISIPCA.

Whatever training you have attended, whatever job you are in or you are looking for today: the passion has certainly guided us to our industry. 

The industry of flavors, fragrances and cosmetics.

Welcome to reality in our world or emotion

Dream and emotion are a strong part of our industry. This is its strength and its beauty.

However,  reality has its place too and that’s why our association exists.

Everyone’s experience is a force for our network and our industry. Each of us, through our history, our job or our background can contribute to a better understanding of the market. 

Our mission, beyond revitalizing and strengthening our community, is to represent all the possibilities offered by our industry to students and graduates.

How ? By promoting all parts of the industry: flavors, fragrances and cosmetics as well as scientific, marketing and commercial training. Let’s highlight the variety of paths and profiles that represent the strength of our network. 


Welcome to solidarity between our generations of graduates


Previous generations have a lot to share to our community and we wish to highlight their expertise and experiences.

The future generations too  : they allow us to understand their aspirations and ways of operating in the face of a fast paced world.

Our mission is to create more dialogue between generations to understand each other and grasp together the future of our industry.

How ? By setting up moments of exchange between graduates and students during joint ISIPCA and ALUMNI events.

By returning to ISIPCA as speakers or at graduate events which we hope will be soon possible, after the exceptional period we are living.


Welcome to your ambitions for the future of our industry


Many challenges await us for the coming decades. Whether they are environmental, societal or economic, we will have to face it together. 

Our mission is to share your initiatives, your companies, your ambitions and we also hope : your audacity !

How ? By highlighting your actions, your businesses, your entrepreneurial and associative initiatives and any other ideas that you would like to share in order to move forward and build tomorrow’s world.


Our values serving this manifesto


The passion of our industry and the passion of people are the essence of this association. Without you, our members, communication or exchanges  would be meaningless. 

Solidarity is fundamental element for our association : helping our members, understanding our needs, getting in contact … so many actions that will enable us to bring out new ideas and  opportunities for  meetings that inspire us both professionally and personally.

Finally, sincerity is also a pillar. 

Let's always share our dreams, optimism and sincerity so that what we undertake and how we live inspires each and every one of us!

Love it

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